Artists in Community Action Network
We will roll out Artists CAN slowly over the next two years. Membership in the Artists in Community Action Network (Artists CAN) at its most basic level will be a way to communicate your commitment to using your art to fuel transformation in your community.
High school and college students… scroll down to learn about starting an Artists CAN chapter in your school!
Membership Details
Literally, anyone can become of member of Artists CAN — all over the world, any age.
As with all of our programs and services, our payment model is “pay-what-you-can” or “pay-what-you-decide.” Membership must be renewed every year.
Anyone who gives to our Startup Fund gets an automatic membership good through the end of 2022. Please recognize that during 2021 we will be learning and growing quickly as an organization, so please be patient with us as we roll out benefits we want to provide for our members in 2022.
We have three types of membership: Individual Artist, Group Artists*, & Patron. See description of benefits below:
Membership Benefits
Access to exclusive ACI swag! (coming up first… mugs & stickers)
Your work may be highlighted in The Spotlight or on ACI’s social media
Collaboration opportunities in The Incubator and our Think Tanks
One-on-one feedback on your community action work (Individual and Group Artist Members* only)
The Magic of Netflix and Monet: The Arts and Their Impact on Your Everyday Life course free** — your first credit of 12 towards your ACA certificate, and access to more members-only courses.
Network with our online Membership Database (optional)**
Students can start an Artists CAN chapter in their school (see below)**
Invitation to Artists CAN annual conference (2023); can apply to display/ perform/ speak at the conference**
May apply for an ACI internship (high school and college students only)**
May submit articles for The Spotlight and Why Arts? blogs and links for our Resources page**
* Group Artists Members: Arts studios or companies can join as a group. Receive up to three free log-ins for “The Magic of Netflix”
** These benefits are not yet available. Please be patient with us as we develop each program. We will inform our members when each benefit is released.
Student Artists in Community Action
Our dream is to have a Student Artists CAN chapter on every college and high school campus. College chapters will be student-led. High school chapters will be teacher-supported, student-led. Passionate and concerned students from all arts departments will join together to learn about Arts for Community Action and lead events in their community using ACI’s tools. Training will be provided for all who would like to start and lead a chapter on their campus.