Introducing the members of the 2021 GhostLight Ensemble cast!
Interested in auditioning to join us? Find more info here!

Molly Faber, Ensemble Member
Molly was born and raised in central Kansas. She holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in Acting from East 15 Acting School in England, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Theater from Tabor College. While in England, Molly had the opportunity to perform at Shakespeare’s Globe and in central London. Some of her favorite plays she’s performed in are A Doll’s House and An Enemy of the People. “I have loved performing since I was a little girl, but truly fell in love with theater as an adult for its ability to connect people across divides. It is for this reason I am excited to join Ghost Light in its mission to serve the community of Colorado Springs.”

Sabastian Reef, Ensemble Member
Sabastian was born and raised in New York and is the oldest of three brothers. “I became an actor when I finally understood love for self-expression and engaging with others in all of the various ways that the human experience can allow. I’m deeply in love, enchanted and fascinated by the otherworldly career that is acting because of its profound ways to show people different worlds and stories. The illusion and the limitlessness of it is something I know I can never let go of. My heart knows better than I, that when one lives in love, love can live through them, so with this career my only promises are to live in love and have it grow in all of the places that I am and all of the places I have yet to be.”

Valery Quinonez, Ensemble Member
Valery has been heavily involved in the performing arts since her freshman year of high school. She has been a part of various on-stage productions with Liberty HS as well as some of their top choirs, and she will continue her performing arts career at MSU Denver. She hopes to be able to raise awareness and start a conversation about community issues through the arts in an effort to end the divide and be able to reach a solution united as a community.

Levi Roberts, Ensemble Member
Levi is a Colorado-born stage actor who has been performing in front of strangers since he was a hyperenergetic, High School Musical-obsessed child. After graduating from high school with honors in the performing arts, Levi attended Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona, pursuing a B.A. in Theatre and the Dramatic Arts. Following three semesters, Levi then promptly dropped out and returned to his hometown of Colorado Springs (#winningatlife). Levi now embodies the classic “Actor/Waiter Cliche,” dutifully bussing tables by day and gleefully inhabiting the stage by night. For his theatrical work, Levi has garnered an ariZoni Theatre Award of Excellence nomination for Best Actor, as well as a nomination for Best Actor through The Gazette’s Best of Springs Awards. Most recently, Levi has performed in several local productions with Village Arts of Colorado Springs, including Beauty & the Beast (2019), Little Women the Musical (2020), and It’s a Wonderful Life: A Radio Play (2020). Levi is honored and ecstatic to join Awaken Creative’s Ghostlight Ensemble, and yearns to help reinvigorate hope within the hearts that inhabit our beautiful city.

Kellyn Waters, Ensemble Member & Assistant Director
Kellyn, a Colorado Springs native, found a love for the performing arts at a young age after singing endless karaoke songs and writing cheesy Christmas plays for her family’s entertainment. In 2016, she earned a position to train with Riverside Performing Arts, a theatre company based in Birmingham, England. After a year of training, she was offered a job to work for the theatre company for another year, and help write, direct, and tour a collection of shows to schools, churches, and big festivals all over the UK. In August of 2018 she moved back to Colorado where she spent time interning with Village Arts of Colorado Springs, and as Co-director for James Irwin Charter High School. She now is so happy to be married to her husband Matt, while working part time at Rocky Mountain Calvary. She is so excited to be a part of the beginnings of Ghostlight Ensemble, and can’t wait to see all the exciting things to come!